
Cookie policy

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The site www.fermapenteleu.ro/com is the property of Ferma Penteleu S.R.L, hereinafter referred to as “Ferma Penteleu” and is protected under the Romanian and international intellectual property rights legislation. By using this site, you accept the terms and conditions below. We recommend the careful reading thereof.

  1. Acceptance

The present agreement establishes the use by you of the internet site at the address www.fermapenteleu.ro/com (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”) and that you agree to provide your personal data and that you understand that hospitality and tourism services cannot be performed without you providing the requested personal data. Please, read carefully the terms and conditions below before you use or obtain any materials, products or services though the site www.fermapenteleu.com.

Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. uses the personal data for a better understanding of your needs and for helping you to finalize orders or transactions, for communicating and for offering you services or support, for keeping you updated with the services provided and with the seasonal offers. We occasionally use the data provided to contact you for research purposes regarding our services with the aim to optimize our services and rise up to your expectations. We respect the private nature of your data and their security and we apply the present policy to this end. In case you voluntarily provide any personal data to Ferma Penteleu SRL, you hereby agree that Ferma Penteleu SRL, records and manages such date for the purpose and for the duration determined by the specifics of the transaction.

  1. Data recording

Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. processed the data provided by you for the following purposes:

  • Provision hospitality and tourism services;
  • Making online and offline reservations for the use of Ferma Penteleu;
  • Filling-in the accommodation file and completing the payment formalities;
  • Transmission / receipt of marketing and advertising offers;

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  1. Data use

Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. manages and uses the received personal data according to the applicable legislation. Any financial data collected is used exclusively for processing payments authorized through the online reservation system.

We take care that the personal data is not used for purposes other than the one you consented to by using strict internal procedures based on the provision of Law 677/2001 modified by Law 506 / 2004.

The data will not be disclosed to third parties, other than entitled authorities based on their lawful and written request.

  1. Data security

The data collected through our site are automatically recorded with our internal information system and may be accessed by our employees strictly on a need-to-know basis upon username and password.

  1. Information

You are not obliged to provide your personal data for the purposes mentioned at art 1 above. We ensure the secure processing of the data you provided us through the Site and we guarantee your rights under Law 677/2001 regarding personal data protection and circulation and protection of private life in the electronic communications (right of access, right of intervention, right of not being subject to automated individual decisions, right to address the justice system, right to oppose future processing, right to data deletion). For exercising your rights, please contact us by phone / email by using the contact page contact@fermapenteleu.ro

  1. Legislation

We observe the requirements of Law 677/2001 regarding personal data protection and circulation and protection of private life in the electronic communications, modified by Law 506/2004 regarding personal data protection and circulation and protection of private life in the electronic communications. The present confidentiality policy is subject to the applicable Romanian legislation. In case of litigation, an amicable solution shall be first attempted within 30 working days from registering your claim at our headquarters. In case the amicable settlement fails within the said deadline, the case shall be submitted for resolution to the Court of Buzau, Romania.


Site usage terms



  1. Terms and conditions for use

The present document refers to the conditions for using the www.fermapenteleu.com/ro site. By using the site www.fermapenteleu.com/ro, you agree to the terms and conditions below. This site belongs to Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. We reserve the right to change, modify, add or delete parts of these terms and conditions at any time, without notice. Such modifications come in effect immediately, unless specifically stated otherwise. Therefore, please check for changes periodically. By using the site after such changes, they are deemed accepted by you.

  1. User rights

The user of www.fermapenteleu.com/ro has the right to visualize the Site on his/her computer monitor, print part of the Site content on paper and save Site pages in electronic format only for personal non-commercial use. The Site is available only to companies and individuals who are able to sign valid contracts under the Romanian law. The Site and the offered services are not unlimited available to persons under the age of 18. We made available the materials on the Site strictly for information purposes.

  1. User obligations

This Site, together with all its modules and materials, is the registered property of Ferma Penteleu S.R.L.

You agree to abide by the following obligations, including, without being limited to:

  • Not to copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, modify, transmit or distribute the materials presented on the Site without the prior written consent of Ferma Penteleu S. R.L. Unauthorized use of this Site and/or its materials may breach copyright and trade mark laws, intellectual property laws or other applicable laws.
  1. External content

Our Site may comprise content, statistics, addresses and other materials from third parties. We included them because we considered them of interest to you and to us. We do not accept any liability for the accuracy, content or availability of information from sites linked to our Site. The content of such sites my change without notice, and therefore we are not responsible for the content, services or other aspects related to or originated from third party sites.

  1. Data use


www.fermapenteleu.com/ro is an information site. Ferma Penteleu SRL is not liable whatsoever for possible discrepancies or errors that may arise between the Site content and reality. We reserve the right to modify, correct, improve the Site without prior notice. You agree that Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. is not liable in any way for damages to your computer or for interception and use of your payment information by third parties.

Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. is not liable whatsoever towards any individual / entity for any damages that might directly or indirectly result from the use of the Site, following an error or omission. We reserve the right to cancel or modify reservations when a client is proven to be involved in fraudulent or inappropriate activities, with no liability to you.

  1. Newsletter and promotional materials

Following your consent, you may receive promotional materials, offers or questionnaires from us or from our collaborators. In case you do not wish to receive such materials, please contact us using the contact page on the Site or by email at contact@fermapenteleu.ro

  1. Tariffs

The tariffs posted on the Site are accommodation tariffs by room and by stay (3 or 4 nights), on one hand, as well as full board tariffs by stay (3 or 4 nights) on the other hand, and include VAT. The tariffs are in Euro and the billing will be done in RON at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Romania valid on the date of invoice or of payment (as the case may be).

We may confirm your reservation only upon provision of the personal data we request and payment of the advance. Please, make sure your personal data is correct.

The reservation may be cancelled without penalties at least 10 days before the arrival date. In case of no-show or late cancellation, Ferma Penteleu S.R.L.  reserves the right to keep the advance payment as penalty, without any notice or formalities.

  1. Notifications

Any notifications regarding the terms and conditions on the Site may be sent at contact@fermapenteleu.ro

  1. Termination

The present terms and conditions are valid throughout your accessing the Site. You may cease applying these terms and conditions at any time by leaving the site. And by destroying all materials obtained from the Site and of all documents related to the Site, irrespective of whether or not they were generated under the present Agreement.

  1. Applicable law

Romanian law is applicable. Possible litigations under this Agreement will be solved by the competent court where Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. is registered. You agree that any action in court related to the terms and conditions of the present Agreement shall be filed with the Romanian courts where Ferma Penteleu S.R.L. is registered.


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