We are in a former hamlet, inhabited 70 years ago by only 17 families. In 2007, we arrived in the area and were impressed by the wildness of the mountains, the story of the place and the last inhabitants of the hamlet: aunt Vica and aunt Ion.
From the idea of building a small holiday home to what we have today, it was a journey full of enthusiasm, challenges, successes and a lot of teamwork.
Through the guests who step on our doorstep, we gave life to this hamlet forgotten by the world. Whole days passed without Aunt Vica and niece Ion seeing anyone.
Crossed by the Basca Mare river, at the foot of the Penteleu mountain, our location offers you the opportunity to be close to nature, to visit a peasant farm with animals: birds, rabbits, sheep, goats, dogs and cats, a donkey, cattle and to participate in creative workshops. You can find out interesting things about the popular crafts forgotten today by the modern world.
Accommodation in traditional houses carefully prepared for you completes the authentic experience that we want you to live.
During the stay, we organize traditional meals with local ingredients, prepared with skill and patience by local staff.
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